A crash course in gaming-lingo

2023-07-04 16:10:003 min. Read time0 Comments

Gaming lingo, also known as gamer slang or gamer jargon, is a specific vocabulary used to communicate and express oneself within the gaming community. It has evolved with gaming culture and includes a wide range of terms, shortcuts and acronyms.

The gaming language makes it possible to communicate quickly and efficiently and to convey complex ideas or strategies in a simple way. It also fosters a sense of community and belonging, as people in the community share a common language and understanding.

Understanding gaming slang is not only helpful for communicating effectively with others, but also allows you to better understand discussions, guides and tutorials on gaming.

Here are some common gaming jargon terms:

General terms

RPG (Role-Playing Game):

Games where you take on the role of a character and go on adventures.

MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online):

Games that allow a large number of people to interact and play in a virtual world.

RTS (Real-Time Strategy):

Games in which you control units and make strategic decisions in real time.

MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena):

Games with team-based battles where you control your own character.

Battle Royale:

Games where many people compete against each other until only one is left.

Game mechanics and functions

HUD (Heads-Up-Display):

The graphical interface that displays relevant information during the game, such as health, ammo and minimaps.

PvP (Player vs. Player):

Game mode in which you compete one on one directly against each other.

PVE (Player vs. Environment):

Game mode in which you compete against computer-controlled opponents or challenges.


The place where you or enemy characters appear in the game world.

Leveling Up:

The process of improving a character's skills and stats or unlocking new content by earning experience points.


Items or rewards obtained by defeating enemies or completing in-game tasks.


Missions or objectives given to you to advance the plot of the game or to obtain rewards.


The return of oneself or an enemy to the game after being defeated or killed.

Fast Travel:

A feature that allows you to teleport quickly between different locations within the game world.

Communication and interaction

GG (Good Game):

A phrase used to show sportsmanship and respect after a game or multiplayer round.

AFK (Away From Keyboard):

Indicates that one is temporarily not actively playing or participating in the game.

LFG (Looking for Group):

A statement indicating that you are looking for other people to join you in a cooperative game mode.

DPS (Damage Per Second):

Refers to the amount of damage a character can do within a certain time frame.


A character that has high health and specializes in absorbing damage for the team.


A character that provides support to the team, such as healing or boosting the abilities of allies.

Community and Culture


Competitive video games at a professional level, often organized into leagues or tournaments.


Completing a game as quickly as possible, often requiring skillful gameplay techniques and knowledge of game mechanics.

Easter Egg:

Hidden features, clues, or secrets built into a game.


A person who intentionally disrupts or provokes others in a game or gaming community.

Last words

This summary of gaming terms is only a small part of many other words used in gaming lingo. The vocabulary list is intended to give you a little insight into the language and to broaden your understanding of video games.

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